Authorize on field- and dataset level
1. Refinement by field authorizations.
2. Security through filters
3. Watertight separation of functions
4. Security through authorization sets
In control with Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics' ERP solutions are intelligent and user-friendly, but it doesn't sufficient support for the security and manageability of your business processes.
Do you know for example: Who has which rights in your Microsoft Dynamics ERP? Who has made changes and where you are most vulnerable?
Our software offers you support in answering these questions. Our solution includes designing, building, managing and monitoring authorizations, putting you in full control of your internal organization while meeting compliance and risk obligations. With this, we support your company to operate consciously and in compliance with regulations.
Authorization setup
- Design: making an inventory of the necessary authorizations in Dynamics.
- Build: translating accepted authorization roles and profiles into permission sets.
- Refine: identifying the necessary needs focused on object authorizations and field & dataset security.
- Manage: setting up the desired authorization management.
- Monitor: implementing an organization with standards for segregation of duties and data ownership in Dynamics.

Authorization Software
Authorization Box
Assign, manage, and monitor authorizations
1. Quickly create permission sets
2. Easy and flexible user management
3. Monitor the quality of the authorizations
4. Quickly and easily activate the secured cloud solution
Field Security
Field Validation
Field validation on user level
1. No more gaps in information processing
2. Apply field validation by using filters
3. Applicable on user and user group level
4. Improved data quality