Compliance Field Validation App

Poor data quality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central leads to daily process errors and inefficiencies. Our Field Validation app enables you to define business rules for your master data, ensuring that only compliance data enters your system and processes.

Set up validation rules, and maintain consistent data standards.

How does it work?

The Field Validation app lets you set up basic field validation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and improve the quality of internal data delivery. The app is now available on Appsource.

What is in it for you?

Start transforming your data quality and try the Field Validation App for free.

✓ Seamless Integration with Business Central  
Available in Microsoft AppSource
Free Trial 

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Discover our complete package

In addition to the Field Validation app, we also offer the Authorization Box and Field Security app to help you set up, manage and monitor your authorizations.

Authorization Box

Assign, manage, and monitor authorizations

Authorization Box is the authorization solution for Microsoft Dynamics, providing a more manageable and controllable Microsoft Dynamics environment. Thanks to Authorization Box, you leave the time-consuming and complex authorization process behind.

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Field Security

Authorize on field - dataset level

With our Field Security app you can optimize the standard permissions structure at field, filter and action level, which greatly improves the security and internal control of your Dynamics 365 Business Central application.

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